Indrajeet Patil
- Phil Karlton
The following advice on naming applies to all kinds of programming entities (variables, functions, packages, classes, etc.) and is language-agnostic.
Principle: Names are a form of abstraction
“[T]he best names are those that focus attention on what is most important about the underlying entity, while omitting details that are less important.”
- John Ousterhout
Importance: Names are at the core of software design
If you can’t find a name that provides the right abstraction for the underlying entity, it is possible that the design isn’t clear.
Properties: Good names are precise and consistent
If a name is good, it is difficult to miss out on critical information about the entity or to misunderstand what it represents.
- Confucius
How good a name is can be assessed by how detailed the accompanying comment needs to be.
E.g., the function and parameter are named poorly here, and so comments need to do all the heavy lifting:
Contrast it with this:
No need for a comment here!
Good names rarely require readers to read the documentation to understand what they represent.
Using generic names can improve code readability, but only if language or domain customs are followed.
for outer and i
for inner loop index is confusing!tmp
shouldn’t be used to store objects that are not temporaryretVal
shouldn’t be used for objects not returned from a functionTip
Don’t violate reader assumptions about what generic names represent.
If a loop is longer than a few lines, use more meaningful loop variable names than i
, j
, and k
because you will quickly lose track of what they mean.
All variables are temporary in some sense. Calling one tmp
is inviting carelessness.
Even when you think you need generic names, you are better off using descriptive names.
Consistent names reduce cognitive burden because if the reader encounters a name in one context, they can safely reuse that knowledge in another context.
For example, these names are inconsistent since the reader can’t safely assume that the name size means the same thing throughout the program.
Allow users to make safe assumptions about what the names represent across different scopes/contexts.
Avoid redundancy
, good: Shape
, good: add()
If some information is critical to know, it should be part of the name.
When naming, avoid redundant words by exploiting the context.
E.g. if you are defining a class, its methods and variables will be read in that context.
But, if doing so imposes ambiguity, then you can of course tolerate some redundancy.
Shorten names with the help of context.
How precise (and thus long) the name should be is a subjective decision, but keep in mind that long names can obscure the visual structure of a program.
You can typically find a middle ground between too short and too long names.
Don’t go too far with making names precise.
Try your best to misinterpret candidate names and see if you succeed.
E.g., here is a GUI text editor class method to get position of a character:
How I interpret: “x
and y
refer to pixel positions for a character.”
In reality: “x
and y
refer to line of text and character position in that line.”
You can avoid such misinterpretation with better names:
Precise and unambiguous names leave little room for misconstrual.
Names that are too similar make great candidates for mistaken identity.
E.g. nn
and nnn
are easy to be confused and such confusion can lead to painful bugs.
Any pair of names should be difficult to be mistaken for each other.
While naming, always ask yourself how easy it would be to find and update the name.
E.g., this function uses a
and f
parameters to represent an array and a function.
If needed, it wouldn’t be easy either to search for and/or to rename these parameters in the codebase because searching for a
or f
would flag all as and fs (api, file, etc.).
Instead, if more descriptive identifiers are used, both search and replace operations will be straightforward. In general, searchability of a name indexes how generic it is.
Choose names that can be searched and, if needed, replaced.
The names should respect the conventions adopted in a given project, organization, programming language, domain of knowledge, etc.
For example, C++ convention is to use PascalCase for class names and lowerCamel case for variables.
Don’t break conventions unless other guidelines require overriding them for consistency.
Names for Boolean variables or functions should make clear what true and false mean. This can be done using prefixes (is, has, can, etc.).
In general, use positive terms for Booleans since they are easier to process.
Boolean variable names should convey what true or false values represent.
Names with implementation details (e.g., data structure) have high maintenance cost. When implementation changes, identifiers need to change as well.
E.g., consider variables that store data in different data structures or cloud services:
Names should be independent of implementation details.
Don’t select names at a lower level of abstraction just because that’s where the corresponding objects were defined.
E.g., if you are writing a function to compute difference between before and after values, the parameter names should reflect the higher-level concept.
Note that the good parameter names clarify the general purpose of the function, which is to compute difference between any two values, not just before and after values.
Choose names that reflect the higher-level concept.
If unit testing in a given programming language requires writing test functions, choose names that describe the details of the test.
The test function names should effectively act as a comment.
Don’t hesitate to choose lengthy names for test functions.
Unlike regular functions, long names are less problematic for test functions because
To resist software entropy, not only should you name entities properly, but you should also update them. Otherwise, names will become something worse than meaningless or confusing: misleading.
For example, let’s say your class has the $getMeans()
Therefore, it is misleading to continue to call it a getter method, and it should be renamed to (e.g.) $computeMeans()
Keep an eye out for API changes that make names misleading.
This is probably the weakest of the requirements, but one can’t deny the ease of communication when names are pronounceable.
If you are writing a function to generate a time-stamp, discussing the following function verbally would be challenging.
This is a much better (and pronounceable) alternative:
Additionally, avoid naming separate entities with homonyms.
Discussing entities named waste
and waist
is inevitably going to lead to confusion.
Once you settle down on a mapping from an abstraction to a name, use it consistently throughout the code base.
E.g., two similar methods here have different names across R6
Both of these methods should either be named $retrieve_expenditure()
or $fetch_expenditure()
Consistency of naming conventions should be respected at both narrow and broad scopes.
Having different name formats for different entities acts like syntax highlighting. That is, a name not only represents an entity but also provides hints about its nature.
Example of coding standards adopted in OSP organization
public const double PI = 3.14;
(private int _currentDebt
)public class GlobalAccounting
)public void GetRevenues()
)private int balanceBooks()
Following a convention consistently is more important than which convention you adopt.
There are various casing conventions used for software development.
Illustration (CC-BY) by Allison Horst
You won’t have to remember any of these rules if you follow the following principle:
“Names must be readable for the reader, not writer, of code.”
is a better variable name than thats_what_she_said
is better than hit_the_road()
is a better function name than cumsum()
is worse than either begin
or first
and I
, O
and 0
, etc.). With certain fonts, it can be hard to distinguish firstl
from firstI
(number of columns) in one function and noRows
(number of rows) in another, choose one abbreviation as a prefix and use it consistently.hilite
instead of highlight
. The benefit is not worth the cost here.accumulate
, accummulate
, acumulate
, or acummulate
, level2
, level3
are not as informative as beginner
, intermediate
, advanced
parameter removes (rm
) missing values (NA
). Using it to mean “remove (rm
) non-authorized (NA
) entries” for a function parameter will be misleading.centre
or center
. Adopt one standard and stick to it.patientRecs
and patientReps
are easily confused because they are so similar. There should be at least two-letter difference: patientRecords
and patientReports
.Looking at names in the wild that violate presented guidelines.
This is not to be taken as criticisms, but as learning opportunities to drive home the importance of these guidelines.
R is a programming language for statistical computing, and function names can be expected to respect the domain conventions.
Statistical distributions can be characterized by centrality measures, and R has functions with names that wouldn’t surprise you, except one:
The mode()
function actually returns the storage mode of an R object!
This function could have been named (e.g.) storageMode()
, which is more precise and doesn’t break domain-specific expectations.
The parameter N
in std::array
definition is too generic.
is a bit better but still leaves room for misunderstanding:
“Does it mean length or memory bytes?”
ggplot2 is a plotting framework in R, and supports both British and American English spelling standards. But does it do so consistently?
A user now believes that both spelling standards for function names and parameters are supported. And, since they prefer American spellings, they do this:
In Python, filter()
can be used to apply a function to an iterable.
But filter
is an ambiguous word. It could mean either of these:
If you’ve never used this function before, could you predict if it returns 1
or -1
It returns 1
, so the intent is to pick out the elements that pass the condition.
In this case, keep()
would be a better name.
Had the intent been to find elements to remove, discard()
would be a better name.
It is easy to find such violations.
But, whenever you encounter one, make it a personal exercise to come up with a better name.
Deep dive into benefits of thoughtful naming for an entity at the heart of all software: function
Unix philosophy specifies the golden rule for writing good a function:
“Do One Thing And Do It Well.”
Finding a descriptive name for a function can inform us if we are following this rule.
Consider a function to extract a table of regression estimates for a statistical model. For convenience, it also allows sorting the table by estimate.
When it comes to writing a good function, finding a good name for a parameter can also reveal design problems.
E.g. a boolean or flag parameter name means function is doing more than one thing.
Consider a function that converts Markdown or HTML documents to PDF.
- Psalms 52:9
Initially, you may struggle to find good names and settle down for the first serviceable name that pops into your head.
Resist the urge!
Adopt an investment mindset and remember that the little extra time invested in finding good names early on will pay dividends in the long run by reducing the accumulation of complexity in the system.
The more you do it, the easier it will get!
And, after a while, you won’t even need to think long and hard to come up with a good name. You will instinctively think of one.
- Al Sweigart
For a more detailed discussion about how to name things, see the following references.
McConnell, S. (2004). Code Complete. Microsoft Press. (pp. 259-290)
Boswell, D., & Foucher, T. (2011). The Art of Readable Code. O’Reilly Media, Inc. (pp. 7-31)
Martin, R. C. (2009). Clean Code. Pearson Education. (pp. 17-52)
Ousterhout, J. K. (2018). A Philosophy of Software Design. Palo Alto: Yaknyam Press. (pp. 121-129)
Goodliffe, P. (2007). Code Craft. No Starch Press. (pp. 39-56)
Padolsey, J. (2020). Clean Code in JavaScript. Packt Publishing. (pp. 93-111)
Thomas, D., & Hunt, A. (2019). The Pragmatic Programmer. Addison-Wesley Professional. (pp. 238-242)
For a good example of organizational naming guidelines, see Google C++ Style Guide.
If you are interested in good programming and software development practices, check out my other slide decks.
And Happy Naming! 😊
─ Session info ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
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date 2025-02-09
pandoc 3.6.2 @ /opt/hostedtoolcache/pandoc/3.6.2/x64/ (via rmarkdown)
quarto 1.7.13 @ /usr/local/bin/quarto
─ Packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
package * version date (UTC) lib source
base * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
cli 3.6.3 2024-06-21 [1] RSPM
compiler 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
datasets * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
digest 0.6.37 2024-08-19 [1] RSPM
evaluate 1.0.3 2025-01-10 [1] RSPM
fastmap 1.2.0 2024-05-15 [1] RSPM
graphics * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
grDevices * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
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htmltools 2024-04-04 [1] RSPM
jsonlite 1.8.9 2024-09-20 [1] RSPM
knitr 1.49 2024-11-08 [1] RSPM
lattice 0.22-6 2024-03-20 [3] CRAN (R 4.4.2)
Matrix 1.7-2 2025-01-23 [1] RSPM
methods * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
png 0.1-8 2022-11-29 [1] RSPM
Rcpp 1.0.14 2025-01-12 [1] RSPM
reticulate 1.40.0 2024-11-15 [1] RSPM
rlang 1.1.5 2025-01-17 [1] RSPM
rmarkdown 2.29 2024-11-04 [1] RSPM
sessioninfo 1.2.3 2025-02-05 [1] any (@1.2.3)
stats * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
tools 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
utils * 4.4.2 2024-11-07 [3] local
xfun 0.50 2025-01-07 [1] RSPM
yaml 2.3.10 2024-07-26 [1] RSPM
[1] /home/runner/work/_temp/Library
[2] /opt/R/4.4.2/lib/R/site-library
[3] /opt/R/4.4.2/lib/R/library
* ── Packages attached to the search path.
Source code for these slides can be found on GitHub.