Descriptive statistics for multiple variables for all grouping variable levels

  measures = NULL,
  measures.type = "numeric",
  topcount.long = FALSE,
  k = 2L,



Dataframe from which variables need to be taken.


A list of grouping variables. Please use unquoted arguments (i.e., use x and not "x").


List variables for which summary needs to computed. If not specified, all variables of type specified in the argument measures.type will be used to calculate summaries. Don't explicitly set measures.type = NULL in function call, which will produce an error because the function will try to find a column in a dataframe named "NULL".


A character indicating whether summary for numeric ("numeric") or factor/character ("factor") variables is expected (Default: measures.type = "numeric"). This function can't be used for both numeric and variables simultaneously.


If measures.type = factor, you can get the top counts in long format for plotting purposes. (Default: topcount.long = FALSE).


Number of digits.


Currently ignored.


Dataframe with descriptive statistics for numeric variables (n, mean, sd, median, min, max).


# for reproducibility set.seed(123) # another possibility groupedstats::grouped_summary( data = iris, grouping.vars = Species, measures = Sepal.Length:Petal.Width, measures.type = "numeric" )
#> # A tibble: 12 x 16 #> Species skim_type skim_variable missing complete mean sd min p25 #> <fct> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 setosa numeric Sepal.Length 0 1 5.01 0.352 4.3 4.8 #> 2 setosa numeric Sepal.Width 0 1 3.43 0.379 2.3 3.2 #> 3 setosa numeric Petal.Length 0 1 1.46 0.174 1 1.4 #> 4 setosa numeric Petal.Width 0 1 0.246 0.105 0.1 0.2 #> 5 versicolor numeric Sepal.Length 0 1 5.94 0.516 4.9 5.6 #> 6 versicolor numeric Sepal.Width 0 1 2.77 0.314 2 2.52 #> 7 versicolor numeric Petal.Length 0 1 4.26 0.470 3 4 #> 8 versicolor numeric Petal.Width 0 1 1.33 0.198 1 1.2 #> 9 virginica numeric Sepal.Length 0 1 6.59 0.636 4.9 6.22 #> 10 virginica numeric Sepal.Width 0 1 2.97 0.322 2.2 2.8 #> 11 virginica numeric Petal.Length 0 1 5.55 0.552 4.5 5.1 #> 12 virginica numeric Petal.Width 0 1 2.03 0.275 1.4 1.8 #> # … with 7 more variables: median <dbl>, p75 <dbl>, max <dbl>, n <int>, #> # std.error <dbl>, mean.conf.low <dbl>, mean.conf.high <dbl>
# if no measures are chosen, all relevant columns will be summarized groupedstats::grouped_summary( data = ggplot2::msleep, grouping.vars = vore, measures.type = "factor" )
#> # A tibble: 20 x 9 #> vore skim_type skim_variable missing complete ordered n_unique top_counts #> <fct> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <int> <chr> #> 1 carni factor name 0 1 FALSE 19 Arc: 1, Bot… #> 2 carni factor genus 0 1 FALSE 16 Pan: 3, Vul… #> 3 carni factor order 0 1 FALSE 6 Car: 12, Ce… #> 4 carni factor conservation 5 0.737 FALSE 6 lc: 5, vu: … #> 5 herbi factor name 0 1 FALSE 32 Afr: 1, Arc… #> 6 herbi factor genus 0 1 FALSE 29 Spe: 3, Equ… #> 7 herbi factor order 0 1 FALSE 9 Rod: 16, Ar… #> 8 herbi factor conservation 6 0.812 FALSE 6 lc: 10, dom… #> 9 insec… factor name 0 1 FALSE 5 Big: 1, Eas… #> 10 insec… factor genus 0 1 FALSE 5 Ept: 1, Myo… #> 11 insec… factor order 0 1 FALSE 4 Chi: 2, Cin… #> 12 insec… factor conservation 2 0.6 FALSE 2 lc: 2, en: … #> 13 omni factor name 0 1 FALSE 20 Afr: 1, Afr… #> 14 omni factor genus 0 1 FALSE 20 Aot: 1, Bla… #> 15 omni factor order 0 1 FALSE 8 Pri: 10, So… #> 16 omni factor conservation 11 0.45 FALSE 2 lc: 8, dom:… #> 17 NA factor name 0 1 FALSE 7 Dee: 1, Des… #> 18 NA factor genus 0 1 FALSE 7 Cal: 1, Par… #> 19 NA factor order 0 1 FALSE 5 Rod: 3, Dip… #> 20 NA factor conservation 5 0.286 FALSE 1 lc: 2, cd: … #> # … with 1 more variable: n <int>
# for factors, you can also convert the dataframe to a long format with counts groupedstats::grouped_summary( data = ggplot2::msleep, grouping.vars = c(vore), measures = c(genus:order), measures.type = "factor", topcount.long = TRUE )
#> # A tibble: 40 x 3 #> vore factor.level count #> <fct> <chr> <int> #> 1 carni Pan 3 #> 2 carni Vul 2 #> 3 carni Aci 1 #> 4 carni Cal 1 #> 5 carni Car 12 #> 6 carni Cet 3 #> 7 carni Cin 1 #> 8 carni Did 1 #> 9 herbi Spe 3 #> 10 herbi Equ 2 #> # … with 30 more rows