
This package is no longer under active development and no new functionality will be added. You should instead be using group_map(), group_modify() and group_walk() functions from dplyr. See:

This is for two reasons-

  1. dplyr 0.8.1 introduced group_map(), group_modify() and group_walk() functions that can be used to iterate on grouped dataframes. So if you want to do grouped_ operations, I would highly recommend using these functions over groupedstats functions since the former are much more general, efficient, and faster than the latter. For more, see:

  2. There are more general versions of these functions introduced in broomExtra package:
    grouped_tidy, grouped_augment, grouped_glance. For more, see:


Type Source Command
Release CRAN install.packages("groupedstats")
Development GitHub remotes::install_github("IndrajeetPatil/groupedstats")