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crosszip is a Python utility that makes it easy to apply a function to all possible combinations of elements from multiple iterables. It combines the power of the Cartesian product and functional programming into a single, intuitive tool.

Additionally, @pytest.mark.crosszip_parametrize is a pytest marker that simplifies running tests with all possible combinations of parameter values.


Package Manager Installation Command
pip pip install crosszip
uv uv pip install crosszip


Example of using crosszip:

# Label Generation for Machine Learning

from crosszip import crosszip

def create_label(category, subcategory, version):
    return f"{category}_{subcategory}_v{version}"

categories = ["cat", "dog"]
subcategories = ["small", "large"]
versions = ["1.0", "2.0"]

labels = crosszip(create_label, categories, subcategories, versions)
['cat_small_v1.0', 'cat_small_v2.0', 'cat_large_v1.0', 'cat_large_v2.0', 'dog_small_v1.0', 'dog_small_v2.0', 'dog_large_v1.0', 'dog_large_v2.0']

Example of using pytest marker crosszip_parametrize:

# Testing Power Function

import math
import crosszip
import pytest

    [2, 10],
    [-1, 0, 1],
def test_power_function(base, exponent):
    result = math.pow(base, exponent)
    assert result == base**exponent

For more examples, check out the package documentation at:

Key Features

  • Flexible Input: Works with any iterables, including lists, tuples, sets, and generators.
  • pytest Plugin: Provides a crosszip_parametrize marker for running tests with all possible combinations of parameter values.
  • Simple API: Minimalist, intuitive design for quick integration into your projects.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Hex sticker font is Rubik, and the image is taken from icon made by Freepik and available at